Henkel Brand Activation


HENKEL ČR, spol. s r.o
Boudníkova 2514/5
180 00, Prague 8


Our cooperation with Henkel started by supporting the sales of their products in supermarkets. From the very beginning, we approached each promotion with maximum commitment, bringing innovative ideas and always adding something extra. The events achieved a very favourable reception among end customers and thus gradually developed our cooperation.

Subsequently, we were tasked with the complete provision of the first large event – activation at festivals in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with the REX detergent brand. For the Perwoll brand, we provided a refresh zone at marathons and other sports events. Since then, the client has also entrusted us with organizing its internal events, such as the Sports Day for 200 employees or the complete design and implementation of the entire company’s Christmas party.

We have created a special web application for Henkel employees where they record their sports results and thus motivate each other to move. This sport challenge has become a tradition that is honoured to this day.

In the field of production, we have become a key partner in the complete provision of promotions and events and in the design and implementation of creative gifts for business partners, influencers and employees. We have been providing teambuilding services for the client across all divisions since 2022.

We are proud that the client entrusted us with the complete design and implementation of a large PR event for one of its most important brands – Persil. For this event, we ensured the presence of television media, journalists and celebrities.

We are proud to be a reliable partner of this world leader in both industrial and consumer markets.