
Innovation comes first

Regardless of your sector, we are ready to guide your business through the process of implementing your visions and measure their potential. With ppm factum research (formerly Factum Invenio), you can expect quality partnerships and support in every step.

We are a 100% Czech capital company founded in 1991, with a solid and stable financial background. We focus on market research, marketing consulting and data analysis. We provide reliable information based both on generally proven methodologies and on our own branded tools.

comprehensive projects
per year
in-depth interviews
and groups per year

Market Research with ppm factum

Cooperation will bring you a deeper understanding of the market, better information and the ability to effectively respond to the dynamic needs and expectations of customers in various sectors. We process marketing research for our clients using both qualitative and quantitative methods:

  • CAPI – Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing
  • CAWI – Computer Assisted Web Interviewing
  • CLT – Central Location test
  • F2F on-site – Interviewing at point of sale
  • IDI – in-depth interviews
  • Online and offline FGs group discussions
  • Ethnographic studies

We respect our clients

We are pleased to present some of our respected clients. Cooperation with us is long-term; customers come to us with questions and receive answers from us. Marketing research is not just dry data, it is solutions. We stand by our work.

Service details

We provide the necessary. We get valuable information about what people think and what their opinions are. No important decision impacting the target population can be made without information from the public, about their attitudes, opinions and preferences. The experienced ppm factum research team knows the answers; we take care of a complete service in sociological and marketing research.

  • Public opinion: What are the public’s attitudes to various institutions?
  • Social research: What are the needs of minority groups of the population?
  • FCMG goods: What is the position of your product? How is your brand perceived?
  • Stores: Store and banner ratings. Satisfaction with purchases.
  • HealthCare research: What are the needs of doctors and patients?
  • ICT research: How are new technologies perceived? Usage and evaluation of applications.
  • Finance: Position and perception of banking institutions. Trends in new approaches and CX.

We carry out surveys interviewing the general population of the Czech Republic, specific groups (foreigners, shoppers in certain stores, event attendees, etc.), visitors, residents of cities, municipalities, clients of institutions or the elite.

Our consulting benefits from the cooperation of experienced statisticians, sociologists, psychologists and marketers, as well as talented students or graduates who we educate. The ppm factum research s.r.o. team relies on theoretical knowledge and many years of experience.

We can research various areas that will help you set your corporate strategies correctly. We will also help you with the interpretation of data and prepare a questionnaire so that you get all the important answers.

  • Brand knowledge and use: How is the brand doing in a competitive environment?
  • Image: How is the brand perceived in the financial market? And how are the other brands doing?
  • Target group: What is the potential of each target group? How do their needs differ?
  • Communication: How to properly reach the target customer group? Does the customer understand what you say about your product?
  • Loyalty: What influences customer loyalty? How to strengthen it effectively? How do you compare to other market players?
  • Satisfaction: What is the key factor in customer satisfaction? What to communicate? What is the priority to solve?
  • Reputation: What is the reputation of your brand?
  • Market potential: Does the new product have a chance to succeed on the market? What are the other market opportunities? Does the product offer match customers’ needs?
  • Communication concept test: Do you need to test advertising materials or concepts? Does the advertisement reach the right target group? Do clients understand the content of the communication? Does it motivate them to use your services?
  • Price tests: What price parameters and fee structure are acceptable to the customer?
  • Product tests: Does the financial product meet clients’ needs with its parameters? How to optimize products or services before they are launched?
  • Employee satisfaction: What is the climate in your company? How satisfied and motivated are your employees? How to strengthen their relationship with you as an employer?
  • Campaign evaluation: How successful is a campaign?

Quantitative research focuses on examining a large sample of a defined target population. We obtain information through questionnaires, either by interaction between respondents and interviewer or by self-completion using a web application. We use modern technologies – tablet interviewing, a well-maintained online panel and a telephone studio.

The research is suitable for tracking studies – e.g. continuous measurement of satisfaction, impact of campaigns or long-term measurement of CX.

F2F interviews

  • We have a network of about 250 own interviewers located throughout the Czech Republic.
  • They have experience with all types of research and have worked with them for a long time.
  • The interviewing is done using tablets or laptops with own interviewing environment.

Online interviews

  • We use an online population panel. We only work with verified data suppliers who take proper care of their panel.
  • Online interviewing is fast, cheap and reliable.
  • The programming of the questionnaire ensures maximum control and correctness of the data obtained.

Telephone interviews

  • We have been using the professional CATI studio by Data Collect for interviewing in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
  • Together, we provide a complete service, including observation and other standard services

Mystery shopping, Mystery visiting

  • Fictitious visits to branches, finding out information you are interested in (staff behaviour, visibility of materials, etc.)
  • We have over 50 experienced MysteryShoppers in major Czech cities

We check all data collection and processing stages and have tested them on hundreds of projects. The data delivered by us are reliable and provide important findings.

Qualitative research offers fast and clean collection of information, in which no statement or speech of the respondent is lost thanks to audio or video recording. Based on a qualitative analysis, we identify opportunities and risks and other practices related to the studied topic.

As part of qualitative ad hoc research, we specialize in both individual interviews and groups discussions. No question will remain unanswered. We use a number of special methods tailored to a specific assignment (e.g. ethnography, online research, multisensory marketing research).

Focus groups

  • They allow to capture a large amount of information in a relatively short time.
  • They use the group dynamics and interactions of the discussion participants.
  • The discussions are run by experienced moderators who then analyse and interpret the data.

In-depth interviews

  • They are usually individual and allow intensive interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee.
  • They give room to express subjective opinions. Thanks to them, we get to the heart of the attitudes, emotions, needs and reveal new topics.
  • They are also great for exploring sensitive topics or for interviewing difficult target groups.


  • It examines the issue in the context of the natural environment of the target group.
  • The research takes the form of participant observation (e.g. at home during cleaning or cooking, in the shop during shopping, when using products, during sports or leisure activities).
  • Ethnography is usually supplemented by photo documentation, video recording or a consumer diary; an essential part is interviewing participants, thus providing a deeper understanding of motivations, needs and opinions.

We focus on a wide range of respondents from B2C (business to consumer), B2B (business to business) and expert environment.

The research does not end with a data matrix, but with the interpretation of the results. Our project managers have experience in interpreting tens to hundreds of research projects. We can give you advise on how to read the data and present the results in a comprehensible way.

You will receive analytical research reports with charts and tables showing the information found in a clear graphic form and also in the context of other facts.

Table outputs

Data matrices (SPSS) are delivered in a clean form with named variables.

We will also assist our clients with further calculations or matrix adjustments according to their requirements. We create primary and secondary analysis tables (XLSX). A correlation analysis is included as a standard, which clearly shows the statistical dependencies between variables using colours.

Analytical reports

Each research report is created by a dedicated project manager who leads the project from start to finish. We thus have a detailed insight into the issue and, above all, we can interpret the data so that all the questions that were asked at the beginning are answered.

The reports contain both diagrams and samples of respondents’ answers and management summaries of the main results.

More complex analyses and branded solutions

We usually perform more complex statistical analyses such as:

  • Cluster analysis
  • Correspondence analysis
  • Dependent t-tests
  • SWOT analyses

We also have several comprehensive tools to better navigate the issue:

  • Stakeholder Relations Optimizer: finds the most effective elements to strengthen customers’ relationship with the brand
  • Brand Strategy Booster: helps define the brand strategy and can tell if it moves in the right direction. It segments customers according to their life values and attitudes.
  • AdWise: predicts ad success rate
  • Shelf Planning tool: helps to make the best use of the limited area of a store shelving unit