Retail Audit

Sales efficiency

Improve the process for systematically collecting, analysing and evaluating information related to the sales and distribution of your products. The aim of Retail Audit by ppm factum is to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information about how your products are doing, sold and perceived in the market.

Retail Audit may include stock tracking, in-store placement, pricing policy, promotional offers and other factors affecting sales. With this information, you can optimize your sales strategies, improve product availability and better understand customer needs. Retail Audit brings an important insight into the retail environment and helps to respond more effectively to changing market conditions.

surveys carried out
each year
EAN codes
in our database
monitored categories
and subcategories

Retail Audit with ppm factum

The Retail Audit service by ppm factum provides comprehensive information for effective business decision-making. You will get unique arguments for dealing with chains, substantiated facts for internal investment decisions, competitive advantage and relevant information for strategic planning. Monitor the representation of your products on the shelves, prices and promotions and get staff reviews. Retail Audit will reveal key areas for improvement and allow you to respond flexibly to market changes, thus giving you great support for successful business decision-making.

Service details

The internal evaluation of the sales representatives team is often not objective. Find out how your sales representatives are doing with comprehensible data. The results of monitoring sales representatives are targeted, not only in revealing strengths and weaknesses. Thanks to SOCRATES®, you will immediately discover in which branches or stores specific sales representatives achieve better or worse business results.

How will we evaluate your sales team? The most common criteria for evaluating the sales representative’s work are:

  • availability of TOP products – tracking products on the shelf, share of the shelf and range of products, sufficient stock, cleanliness distribution of OOS and OSA
  • shelf position and shares compared to competitors, the way of presenting own brands in the sales area
  • communication and activities of the sales representative in the store

Monitor market information every day and respond to competitors in a timely manner. The service focuses on aspects according to which it analyses the client’s results compared to the competition and with regard to market development. We monitor the following for you:

  • development of the share of goods on the shelf, in what proportion you share the space on the shelf with competitors
  • how many different products in the category the consumer can choose
  • the range of products or how much space your goods occupy within the secondary placement
Price monitoring will give you a clear picture of shelf prices, track product prices in flyers, promotional prices, special offers, and price range settings. Monitor the product price, and we will process current price overviews, price trend analysis, and special price activity for you.

Mystery shopping is used to quickly verify the quality of retail services and staff. As part of Mystery shopping, we send a secret customer to the store. Their task may be to purchase a product, play a certain scenario to verify the sales arguments and reactions of the attendant or to evaluate the condition of the store. The service is unique because it gives the client the opportunity to react quickly to the results of the investigation.